CRank: 5Score: 2360

right.... warhawk looks cartoony... more like ps2 , rachet was OK , heavenly sowrd although graphics looked fine gameplay was 2 short and i didnt like resistance.. but uncharted wasnt bad at all... lets see wat we get when kZ2 comes out

nuff saidz

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

rather play cod4 , but anyways , even IF the ps3 version is slightly better as every1 says (every ps3 fangirl mind u) then its only slight and as ps3 boast about its "4-d graphics" it should b alot better than the xbox3

once again ps3fan girls get all excited for the smallest difference...

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was that a bot or did ur retard station fart?

5896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well im back on n4g.. many new faces , but its the sam rtrded sht .. ps3 fangirls trying to support their grills and bring down the console that is kicking ass(and the wii) .. o well ive been busy on my xbox therefore ive been away , unlike the ps3 retardes who have nuthing 2 play and therfore are here on this site posting the same thing over and over again , the ps3 is just like its folowers


5896d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

the gameplay looks like metal gear portable ops with a mix of mgs3 , and that was not wat i was expecting from the ps3 verison... the crouch-stand up still looks dumb as ever , im just hopeing that atleast the story will b gud in mgs4 or will the ps3 disappoint us again...

mgs4=disappointment >maybe

5897d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

THESE REVIEWS ARE ALL BOGUS! i mean come on , i cant trust this stuff anymore! guys play the games urself and then rate them , dont depend on these stupid fakey racist reveiws...!

nuff said

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey , the kid ran out of ammo so he used his hands lol , " god dam i used all my ammo on the scarab ! crap y rnt they any cheats around here? aww well , my moms a noob any ways " then bam , its the 1 punch kid ! still if it were me he'd punch , lets just say he wouldnt b able to play anygame for a long long time...

nuff saidz

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude lol every 1 is out to get us xbox dudes arnt they? uve got a notrious rating on this site im sure still i was a guy who agreed wit u cuz i actually read the comments rather than depend on racisity and hate and just click disagree for fun... as for the answer to the question about the halo effect , simple no will cefice

6076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ #8 , this guy is seriously mentally disordered better not to waste ur time on him... warhawk is a gud game and compared to any ps3 game it is AAA but compare it to the 360 u dont even get an A+ ... + warhawk got 8.5 again thats not AAA so next time u wana try bashing somethin superior then first ur facts straight and think if u wana make a fool of ur self

nuff saidz

6079d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well i do , in fact , for pple who dont actually listen to news bout the middle east let me just tell u it aint all towel heads and terrorests here.. india is incredibly populated , also after the burj dubai , (worlds largest building in the world) its gona b raking in tourists aint it? so techonically microsoft is doin the smart thing here , gud job MS! once again uve outdone sony! lol

nuff saidz

6079d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol FREE AIDS CHEAK UP WITH EVERY XBOX SODLD!!! naaa im just kidding , its a gud move , wonder how long its gona take sony to figure out somethin like this , still alot of my friends here (UAE) think the xbox is top , i did a survey and stuff , so im realy hoping that they make an xbox live thing around here 2...

nuff saidz

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can speak

a lil russian
and only some chinese

lol plus ive got around 10 different accents lol and im only a 15 yr old dude..

nuff saidz

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they didnt have live in india? no wonder there head over there dotis (the towels the wear around there legs) for this news!

nuff saidz

6080d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

they gave him a nice big meal b4 they decided to send him to b attacked by every last ps3 fanboi on earth lol *after the review* AHHhH! there after me lol

the score is too low , 7.5 , seriosuly maybe a lil more than that but not 9.5+

nuff saidz

6080d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

dude yr the most annoying ps3 fan boi on this site , ur like the mart of ps3 , ur supposed to support R&C thats ur job(just like not even giving xbox a chance)! i played the demo on my friends ps3 and i didnt like it as much as i enjoyed the 2nd game of ratchet and clank , when i played the first lvl of R&C TOD i didnt get that click ,howver this fatso is worng 7.5 is way to low the tops id give this game is 8.9

nuff saidz

6080d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the ps3 is not at its time seriously i still dont c anything promising , and dont give me the whole "the most expected over hyped list" again seriously lame

nuff saidz

6084d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

basically the wii is more of a test subject, nintendo wanted to experiment on how a motion sensored console works and sells , well w/e the reasons still the wii is a great form of excersise and now days thnx to next gen gamin we aint gettin any and plz dont tell me that the sixaxis constoller on the ps3 is excersise cuz its real lame....

nuff saidz

6084d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm , basically im just w8ing to play as snake and snap mario's lil punny head... lol still megaman wouldnt b bad

nuff saidz

6085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

solid snake would own them all.... lol

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry , im sure that must have been intresting but im just 2 lazy to read all that ... maybe a small quick lil summary would b nice e.g cloud won....

lol nuff saidz

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment